Knights of Columbus
Our Knights council 6989 meets every second Thursday of the month @6:30p.m. We also lead a Fatima Rosary every 13th day of every month and use this venue to pray for Brother Knights and their families.
Every year our council runs the Oktoberfest on the first Saturday of October. Our council uses the money that it raises to support the following charities: Putnam County Youth Development, St. Vincent Depaul, Parish Youth activities, Care Net Pregnancy Center, Putnam County Special Olympics, Beyond Homeless, Putnam County Food Pantry, St. Meinrad Monastery, K. of C. Ultra Sound project, St. Loretto Orphanage, Biking 4 Babies, and Hurricane Relief.
Our council also sponsors the county Blood Drive and supports Right to Life efforts within our church and community. When there is any work that needs to be done for the Church our council try’s to make sure that there are volunteers available to fill any need.