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Faith Formation

St. Paul’s Faith Formation seeks to create opportunities to…

Encounter ‣

‣ the love of God in a personal, transformative way, especially in the sacraments.

‣ the presence of God in our daily lives as we seek to live our faith.

‣ the power of God to heal our brokenness & set us free from the things that bind us.

Equip ‣

‣ men and women, young and old, to grow in their faith through vibrant catechesis.

‣ parishioners with the skills needed to grow in maturity in the faith.

‣ everyone with the spiritual tools needed to build strong families.

Engage ‣

‣ the culture with the Good News of the Gospel.

‣ those who are lost and hurting through acts of love and service.

‣ with those who are looking to answer the call to discipleship. 

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (PreK-1)

First Communion (2nd)

3rd Grade – 5th Grade


Middle School youth meet on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:45, to prepare for Confirmation.

Contact the parish office to learn more (765)653-5678

High School Youth Ministry

High School Youth Ministry meets weekly.
There are many opportunities for retreats, service projects, and mission trips.

Contact the parish office to learn more: (111) 222-3333

Catholic Kidz Camp